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Economic Incentives greatly enhance the Returns on Investment that companies realize when undertaking a wide variety of capital expenditures. When properly executed, the process for securing incentives can reap extraordinary benefits. Consider the following benefits our professionals have secured for clients:

  • A manufacturer constructs a $100 million facility in the Southeast U.S. and is granted over $35 million of Incentives.
  • A company constructs a $200 million distribution center in the Northeast U.S. and receives more than $40 million in benefits.
  • A retailer undertakes a mall renovation in the Midwest and is offered over $12 million in municipal Incentives.
  • A corporation adds new technologies to an existing facility while downsizing employment to remain competitive in the Western U.S. and receives over $5 million of Incentive assistance.
  • A company presents routine capital investments of $8 million over 3 years to a Midwestern community and is granted $2 million of Incentives.

Successful financial results begin with a well-formulated plan. Incentis Group has developed a process that incorporates “Incentives Structuring” with Negotiations. In short, this means that we have replaced the traditional consultants’ practice of asking what a state or community can provide for an investment with our approach that entails creative benefit structures customized to achieve our Clients’ goals.

Structuring lucrative Incentives Packages also includes accomplishing the economic development objectives of the participating states and communities. We demonstrate on behalf of our Clients, the very positive economic and fiscal benefits that their investments will bring to the state and local economies. Illustrating the “Win-Win” results of corporate investment in a community is a vital part of securing an optimal Incentives Package.