State & Local Incentives
Economic Incentives are playing an ever increasing role in the decisions of corporations regarding when and where to invest. The financial impact of State and Local Incentives upon the long term profits has become very apparent to corporate leaders as they plan both expansions and retractions of operations.
Consider the Returns on Investment for the following capital expenditures:
- A manufacturer constructs a $100 million facility in the Southeast U.S. and is granted over $35 million of Incentives.
- A company constructs a $200 million distribution center in the Northeast U.S. and receives more than $40 million in benefits.
- A retailer undertakes a $4 million store renovation in the Midwest and secures nearly $2 million in municipal Incentives.
- A corporation adds new technologies to an existing facility while downsizing employment to remain competitive in the Western U.S. and receives over $5 million of Incentive assistance.
- A company presents routine capital investments of $8 million over 3 years to a Midwestern community and is granted $2 million of Incentives.
You too should pursue the lucrative benefits that can help make your Company more profitable and competitive. Our professionals are ready to advise you in navigating your Company to very profitable opportunities.